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Are you interacting with LPs in the most effective way? News Article
Are you interacting with LPs in the most effective way?
March 4, 2024

Competition in the private equity world has never been as fierce as it is today. To keep pace, GPs must work harder to present a clear and compelling investment case, while building long-lasting and trusting relationships with LPs. What do we see the best GPs doing to help in this endeavor? Read this article by Monument Group’s Janet Brooks in AltAssets Private Equity News to find out.

Pensions Slow Hiring of New Private Equity Managers News Article
Pensions Slow Hiring of New Private Equity Managers
February 22, 2024

In a recent FundFire article, Bart Molloy comments on how LPs are managing their GP relationships. While there are challenges for new managers, Bart notes, “If their quality truly is there … we’re still finding those funds are getting raised.”

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